Mayor Of Kingstown Season 3 Demonstrates How Much Mike’s Protection Is Backfiring

Iris had already demonstrated her quick thinking in Mayor of Kingstown season 3, episode 5, but episode 6’s police raid solidified her wit, as well as Mike’s inability to plan the best course of action for her protection when Iris was present. Mike has been concerned about Iris’s well-being since Milo realized he could hurt her to get Mike to do his bidding, and he inevitably feels responsible for Iris after what she went through in Mayor of Kingstown Season 1. Their relationship eventually developed into one of deep care for one another, despite Mike’s focus on protecting Iris as Mayor of Kingstown.

Despite this, Mike’s desire to shield Iris from harm—which neither Milo nor AB could cause her—repeatedly proved to be ineffective. In Mayor of Kingstown season 2, after Mike had pretended to be unaware of Milo’s jail break, Iris went back to Milo. Rather than include Iris in the plans for her future, Mike frequently interfered with her agency in the name of keeping her safe. Mike demonstrated that he still hadn’t learned his lesson in Mayor of Kingstown season 3, episode 6, putting Iris at further risk in an attempt to defend her.

Iris’s cover in Mayor of Kingstown was protected by her standing her ground and being present during the raid

Iris’ position in Mayor of Kingstown season 3, episode 5 demonstrated how volatile her relationship with Konstantin was, especially after he murdered Tatiana in the season 3 premiere because he suspected she had betrayed him. Mike realized Iris’s spying was dangerous and told her they couldn’t communicate unless they used the burner phone he gave her. However, Mike’s call to inform Iris that the SWAT team would be raiding Cavo soon and that she should have taken her lunch break violated his own protocol, putting Iris in grave danger.

Mike knew he shouldn’t have contacted Iris for fear of endangering her, but his instinct to protect her from Robert’s excessive violence in Mayor of Kingstown season 3 compelled him to call Cavo directly, hoping she would respond. However, Mike’s plan to protect Iris would have put her in even more danger, as avoiding the raid could have made Konstantin doubt her loyalty, which Mayor of Kingstown season 3 demonstrated was sufficient reason for Konstantin to kill someone. If Iris had trusted Mike, she could have been in more danger than being injured in a melee.

Iris’ refusal to believe Mike’s feckless excuse, instead choosing to stay and risk being attacked during the raid, proved to be the wisest decision in the end. Standing her ground demonstrated that Iris knew what she was doing, Konstantin, and that the best way to protect herself was to not trust Mike, whose judgment was clouded when her safety was at stake. Mike is the only one who needs to recognize that his suggestions are flawed when he pushes Iris away from imminent danger, especially when running away pushes Iris toward something far more lethal.

Mike overprotects. Iris assuages his guilt but does not help anybody

Mike’s desire to protect Iris from harm stems from their history together as Mayor of Kingstown. However, Iris’s decision to spy on Konstantin puts her in danger. Mike must overcome his guilt for not taking care of Iris sooner and move on from what Milo has put her through, or he risks putting Iris in even greater danger in Mayor of Kingstown season 3. In Mayor of Kingstown, Iris’s discoveries and good action plans will hopefully persuade Mike that she is capable of taking care of herself without his constant protection.

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